Parents Prevention
Having your child bullied or acting as a bully is an incredibly painful experience for parents. It makes most of us feel helpless, wanting to fall back on age-old solutions. But there is much more we can do. When your child is being called names, picked on or excluded, if your child doesn’t know how to make friends, or is the one being kind or aggressive toward others, there are strategies that can help. On the Take A Stand link you will find many resources to help you teach your child effective communication skills to help prevent bullying, to enable them to intervene when others are being bullied.
Contact Dr. Kraizer
The Coalition for Children is a not-for-profit (501c(3)) organization founded by Dr. Sherryll Kraizer in 1982. The mission of the Coalition for Children is enhancing the well-being of children, families and society by providing positive, effective, multidisciplinary and culturally diverse prevention programming in collaboration with other organizations and individuals.
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