Child Abuse
The Safe Child Book: A Common Sense Approach to Child Abuse Prevention, Protecting Children and
Teaching Children To Protect Themselves (Paperback or Kindle through Amazon)
By Sherryll Kraizer, PhD
Research & Articles by Dr. Kraizer
Measuring Actual Reduction of Risk to Child Abuse: A New Approach
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs: What makes Them Effective in Protecting Children?
Programming for Preventing Sexual Abuse and Abduction: What Does It Mean When It Works?
Children in Self-Care: A New Perspective
Dade County Public Schools Evaluation of the Safe Child Program
Articles and Chapters written by Dr. Kraizer
“Child Abuse Prevention Books: A Guide for Parents” Translated and distributed in 86 languages, World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse, Women’s World Summit Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland, 2001 – present
“Preventing Child Sexual Abuse” “Recognizing Child Neglect” and “Understanding Emotional Abuse”Child Abuse Sourcebook, 3rd Edition, Omnigraphics, (2012)
“Bullying: Real Problems / Real Solutions.” In Adoption-Parenting: Creating a Toolbox, Building Connections. EMK Press, Warren, NJ (2006)
Other Articles of Interest
Marla R. Brassard & Christina M. Fiorvanti, Teachers College, Columbia University
Child Abuse is a leading cause of emotional, behavioral, and health problems across the lifespan. It
is also preventable. School-based Child Abuse Prevention Programs for early childhood and elementary
school children have been found to be effective in increasing student knowledge and protective
behaviors. The purpose of this article is to help school psychologists understand the potential
positive impact of abuse prevention programs in their school, choose a high-quality program for
their population, and be aware of the practical considerations of implementation.
Psychology in the Schools, Vol. 52(1), 2015 C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Guidelines for Effective Prevention Programming
This article clearly lays out the core issues and the elements that must be present for an effective and comprehensive prevention of child abuse program.
Especially for military families, this page on Military One Source has some good resources.
Health and Safety Resources for Keeping Children Safe
David Patterson, of the ACLS Training Center, has put together an invaluable series of materials to help you protect your children.
Check out this site for resources on:
- Home Safety
- Neighborhood Safety
- School & Bus Safety
- Choking Prevention
- Travel Safety
- Water Safety
- Outdoor Safety
- Food Allergies Safety
- Poison Prevention & Safety
Contact Dr. Kraizer
The Coalition for Children is a not-for-profit (501c(3)) organization founded by Dr. Sherryll Kraizer in 1982. The mission of the Coalition for Children is enhancing the well-being of children, families and society by providing positive, effective, multidisciplinary and culturally diverse prevention programming in collaboration with other organizations and individuals.
Contact Information